Machines Making Machines!

Machines Making Machines!

In the movie Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones (a film by George Lucas but now owned by Disney) there is a scene where the android character C-3PO enters a vast room where he sees androids manufacturing exact copies of themselves. He then exclaims "Shut me down! Machines making machines!"

If you are not a fan of science fiction, you may consider this to be absurd, the idea that machines could make exact copies of themselves, that in turn continue the process ad infinitum. 

With the recent meteoric rise of Artificial Intelligence systems, however, this may not be such an absurd idea. AI's are already making improvements to themselves; a process known as Recursive Self-improvement. 

Their achievements are not so impressive as yet, but note especially that there are many teams of programmers working to improve on this and we will expand on this thought in this article.

Design Features in Nature

An achievement that is impressive, though, is the way nature manifests its own design features. According to evolutionists, major "incremental improvements" have occurred without the involvement of any purposeful intent or long-term planning. 

When asked to present empirical evidence of these improvements, though, the common response of evolutionists is to say that "considerable time" must have elapsed; too long for humans to have experienced. 

But there are many major problems with this argumentation. To deal with one such problem, take a look at this list of creatures and try and determine what they all have in common:

  • Butterflies
  • Bees
  • Beetles
  • Dragonflies
  • Birds
  • Bats
  • Pterosaurs
  • Certain fish
  • Certain squirrels

All of these creatures can be separated into six distinct groups: (1) insects, (2) birds, (3) bats, (4) dinosaurs, (5) fish, and (6) squirrels.

You have no doubt noticed that all these creatures are capable of flight (certain fish and some squirrels have flaps that enable them to fly short distances). 

According to supporters of evolution, these six groups evolved — separately and independently — not only wings, but all the features required for flight.  

Did wings really develop gradually?

Did  the  ability  of  flight  really  evolve  gradually?


The Power of Flight

So the concept of wings, and all the features that make the provision of flight for the creature, have purportedly been bestowed at least six separate and distinct times during this extremely long evolutionary trail! 

Did wings really develop gradually?

What is involved in developing the power of flight? We could ask any aircraft designer, and he or she would no doubt include the following:


Allowance must be made in the creature's design for the force of air and air pressure on the surface of the wings and on the creature's body.


Knowledge of the energy required to obtain flight from a standstill is a necessity, along with the means to put that knowledge to use in the design of the creature's body and wing.


The design of the creature must make allowance for the resistance that it will meet as it moves through the air.


The creature must have the ideal weight — not too light, preventing adequate control of lift and flight, but not so heavy that the creature is unable to resist the force of gravity.

Wing Shape and Structure:

The shape and structure of the wing and the body must be carefully managed to allow for various methods of flight: gliding, soaring, full speed flight, etc.


An understanding of aerodynamics is required to enable graceful, fatigue-free, efficient, and minimum effort flight.

Energy Efficiency:

A knowledge of the features that reduce the amount of energy used for flight is necessary, especially for creatures that migrate considerable distances — for example, lightweight bones, efficient muscle structure and wing design, etc. (Note the parellel discussion of the British Robin's ability to use quantum mechanics to navigate.)


Where Is the Fossil Evidence?

It can be seen from the above, that simply "sprouting" wings, as the above artist impression implies, is a long way from providing a creature with the ability of flight, no matter how much time is involved in the anatomical changes. A considerable transformation with many features is required that affect, not just "changing" arms into wings, but altering the structure of the creature's body, muscles, bones, wing design, even the programming of its brain to handle the multiple required muscle and nerve movements for all of the nuances of flight.

And we have not even begun to discuss the many design features of a bird's wing itself: some subtle, some major, and some truly amazing!  

A bird's wing has multiple design features

For one example, though, take a look at the Alpine Swift, a bird well known for its impressive speed and agility in flight; it holds the distinction of being able  to stay airborne for over six months without touching down!

Hollow Bones versus Solid Bones

Did you know that not all of the bones of flight-capable birds are hollow? 

Hollow bones enable a lighter body, required for the ability of flight. But due to the requirements of strength in certain areas, some bones are solid. 

How did evolution "determine" and distinguish these requirements? And even if it did, how could it make the required changes to ensure that the bird has hollow bones in one specific place, but solid bones in another? 

The evolutionist would no doubt answer: "by natural selection." This would mean that the fossil record should be abundant — especially in view of the considerable time lengths claimed — with examples of creatures that did not have all the requirements of flight, but possessed any one of the multitude of alternative bone, muscle, and wing structures, and countless combinations of these, that eventually enabled evolution to ultimately "select" the combination of features that proved successful. 

But where is the fossil evidence?

And by "fossil evidence," this does not mean the many pictures of disparate and unrelated creatures.

If evolution did somehow "select" all of the many attributes required to enable flight, then this begs another question: Is flight necessary for survival

If during the many fortuitous growths that included both hollow and solid bones, various wing formations, feather designs, muscle configurations, etc., the creature kept failing to fly, could it not nevertheless survive?


Multi-tiered Manufacturing

Above we have mentioned that there are "many major problems" with the evolutionary view. This can be illustrated with the following story:

Imagine for a moment, a team of engineers who work at a plant belonging to a manufacturer that produces sophisticated spacecraft… let's say this company is an enormous Nasa-Google-Boeing kind-of conglomerate. 

There are multiple departments in this vast organisation, which manufactures all of its own components: from the nuts and bolts to the fuselage, from the paint to the fuel, from the micro-fibres to the seats, from the microchips to the millions of lines of self-referencing computer code for the multiple software programs that enable the spacecraft to function. 

You approach a number of employees and ask them about their work assignment. They show you the component they make, and they’re obviously very skilled. 

You then ask them what the component does. But they have no idea what part their component plays in the finished product…

How do they know how to make the component? They follow a plan. A supervisor takes their finished product and assembles it, along with several thousand other components made by equally institutionalised employees, each beavering away in his or her own specially fitted area of the factory floor. 

You question the supervisor, but he still does not know what role his department's assembled component plays in the finished product. You then ask him about the subcomponents that his part consists of, but he does not know how they work, he only supervises their manufacture according to the plan.

This occurs throughout five or six levels until a specialist team take each of the large final fully assembled parts and complete the spacecraft construction. You ask each of them about the components the craft is composed of, but they have no idea how the individual components work, they only follow the assembly plan and instructions they have been given. Also the pilot and crew of the spacecraft, although they can operate and fly the craft, there is a great deal they do not know about its inner workings; especially the complex, self-referencing computer code.

And of course, this spacecraft has all the sophistication that human endeavours can muster.

Could a complex spacecraft make itself?

Could  this  complex  control  room,  along  with  all  the  features  of  the  entire  aircraft,  arise  without  any intentional  design  being  involved?


More Complex than a Spacecraft

Now let's look at a real-world example: Did you know that the NASA Space Shuttle's computer systems consist of almost half a billion lines of carefully designed instructional source code? Without this code, the spacecraft would not be able to function.

Did you also know that when Nasa employed a team of programmers to write this software, it took over six years to complete? During this time, extensive coding, testing, and re-coding was carried out, along with multiple validation routines until the software was "bug-free" and fit for purpose

And this was copied to no less than five computers. Four of these were identical, so that up to three computer failures would still allow the craft to function!

Making a spacecraft from the elements!

If all the fundamental elements that the Space Shuttle consists of (metals, carbon, wood materials, etc.) were available in a large pile, how long do you think it would take for these elements to come together, without any intentional order and arrangement, and produce a fully working, fully computer coded spacecraft?

This may sound like an absurd illustration. But this is, in reality, a very inadequate analogy! A single human cell has much more complexity than a Space Shuttle, and yet it functions without any human intervention. And our bodies contain at least 40 trillion of them!


Now consider these questions regarding the spacecraft story:

  • What use is the plastic coating around the electrical wiring that permeates this spacecraft, unless it is graded appropriately, precision moulded, and correctly fitted for insulation?
  • What use is the electrical wire unless it is connected to the appropriate channels and interfaces?
  • What use are the conduits and channels unless they lead to the power source?
  • What use is the power source unless it is properly configured, calibrated, active, and provided with the means to keep it topped-up with the energy it requires to function?

And, of course, these questions cover all the components in the above construction project, from the very tiny to the very large, involving electrical distribution, engine operation, environmental controls, fluid transport, air channelling, communications, comfortable and ergonomic furniture, etc.


Could a random pile of elements, by themselves, ...


... ever produce this spacecraft, including its 2 million coordinated parts and its 400 million lines of 
self-referencing instructional computer coding?

Could this spacecraft come about by chance events?

Supporters of evolution often resist the above reasoning by claiming that evolution has used various "mechanisms" to arrive at something that "imitates" design. However, the one mechanism they use is natural selection, which has been dealt with throughout the articles on this website. Other "mechanisms" are only conjecture and theory, not only lacking empirical evidence, but failing in logical, plausible argumentation.

Miniature Machines Extract Energy

And now for a real-world example closer to home. 

Science students quickly learn that electrons carry energy. A teacher can demonstrate how to harness this energy with a simple experiment using lemons, copper strips, galvanized nails, connecting wires, and an LED light.

The class will be thrilled to see the light produced by this experiment!

Moreover, did you know that microscopic machines within your cells operate with astonishing efficiency to extract energy from electrons?

How does this work?

And how does all of this relate to the argumentation put forward by evolutionists discussed earlier? Take a look at the article Multi-tiered Coordinated Planning, and then consider the questions below that relate to the highly impressive method that our cells use for cellular respiration — a process known as the Electron Transport Chain, which takes place at an ultramicroscopic level:

Electron Transport Chain

The following detail of this process is not intended as a technical explanation: a simplified review will serve our purpose here.

In the initial stage of this process, proteins within a membranous layer of the cell hand over one of the smallest particles known to exist, an electron, to an area known as Complex I. 

Before we continue, note that without this first event occurring, the subsequent stages in the Electron Transport Chain would be of no value. 

Therefore, consider carefully these questions :

  • At this stage, do these proteins somehow "know" why this transfer is taking place? 
  • Did the process of evolution "select" this procedure from others that were occurring at the same time? 
  • Why would this selection take place, if the remaining sub-procedures were not yet functioning?
  • Or did evolution "intentionally design" this hand-over procedure? 
  • When evolution manufactured or designed or selected this procedure, was there, at some level, an awareness of the culmination (or purpose) of all the stages of this Electron Transport Chain process? 
  • Did evolution "know" why this single procedure was important; that the end result would be, not only beneficial for the cell, but vital for the person's life that the cell is sustaining?

Above we have described the initial procedure involving just Complex I. There are other similar procedures that involve Complex II, Complex III, Complex IV, and an additional procedure for Complex V. In each case, the same electron is being handed over for the next procedure to manage. 

Note that these Complexes are not proteins, but they are part of the structure of the inner lining of the mitochondria (the power houses of the cell). This means that each of these structures had to be specifically designed to perform its respective function. Or did they begin as "holes" in the lining and progress to something that happens to fulfil the requirements of this complex process, without the use of intentional order and far-sighted planning

If they did indeed develop gradually by some evolutionary growth, how can this be proved empirically, or the process of their long evolutionary "adaptation" even be explained by logical reasonable steps?

If any one of these procedures is missing or fails to function, the entire process is rendered useless! The cells die, and the person dies!

And the above is a vastly simplified review of this complicated process. 

When it is complete, the cell obtains much needed energy. And this is the main purpose of the Electron Transport Chain's many procedures.


A Catch-22 Situation

  • Would evolutionists say that all of these procedures evolved over a considerable amount of time? 
  • How could the blind, purposeless process of evolution organise a task of this complexity? 
  • Did evolution somehow "know" that capturing an electron would enable functional proteins and other "machines" to make use of its energy on behalf of the cell, thereby maintaining the entire body? 
  • How could the cell's machines be altered, or new machines commissioned, to ensure that this capture took place, and that the machines would "know" how to go about the task?
  • If all of this complexity did indeed evolve over considerable time, how did the body function in the earlier times with an immature and as yet incomplete process that is intended to provide vital energy? 
  • How could the entire process work at all unless all parts and all supporting procedures were fully in place and functioning adequately?
  • And finally, how could the process be implemented at all, if the required energy to create the process was not yet made available by this very process — a Catch-22 situation?


And, of course, this is just one process involving a small selection of the billions of microscopic machines that each of our trillions of body cells produce and maintain. 

And they all function for the benefit of the cell ... each cell functions for the benefit of a body organ, and each organ functions for the benefit of our body as a whole; just like the individual components of our illustrative spacecraft above.

Mind-boggling complexity

The  complexity  of  the  human  cell's  many  "machines"  is  mind-boggling.


And finally, the choice of the title of this current article, Machines Making Machines, is now more apparent. 

Take as an example a talented engineer who builds an android capable of making copies of itself, as depicted in the image at the beginning of this article. He would no doubt achieve worldwide acclaim and adoration. But the android does not take the praise, the engineer does, the one who applied his intelligence, skill, ingenuity, along with planning and foresight, to produce his famous invention.


A newborn baby

Now let's again take a real-world example: When a couple marry and bear a child, do they take the credit for the human life that results from their union? Of course, their family and friends congratulate them on the new arrival and are more than delighted that they have a child. But the reality is that the parents are only passing on something that was handed down to them — life! The complex "mechanics" of the development of this new life, is not in the parents' remit, so to speak! They did not control how the baby's cells were constructed, nor did they make them work together to form the beautiful child that they love. 

The development occurs internally, and is pre-programmed into all human cells. And this cycle of new human life has continued with parents, grandparents, and on into the distant past. 

But where did the original life come from, for this marvellous process to begin?

This is also reminiscent of a statement made by the late Professor Carl Sagan, in his TV series Cosmos in the 1980's, where he said that, once genes could no longer store our ever-expanding information requirements, "we slowly invented brains"! (See the section on The Human Brain in 'From Atoms to Galaxies to Life'.)


The same approach can be applied to the individual human cell. It has the remarkable ability to make a copy of itself, which in turn makes other copies, until a complete human being is formed. But, taking this back in time, how was the original cell planned, developed, and constructed? How was it programmed to make copies of itself?

Cell Mitosis

Would you not agree that this constitutes intentional order and arrangement?



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